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Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 38 (3), 119-134 (2009) Hallding, K., K., Duality in climate science, Nature Geoscience 8, 898–900 (2015) Bauman, Z., Journal of Archaeological Science 19, 631-637. Sirén, G. 1993. Advances and retreats Nature Geoscience 5, 138-141. Varjo, U. 1978. Recent climatic trends Nature Geoscience. DOI: 10.1038/NGEO 1392. Vickers, H. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 189, 408–423.
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It was established in January 2008. Nature Geoscience's journal/conference profile on Publons, with 526 reviews by 303 reviewers - working with reviewers, publishers, institutions, and funding agencies to turn peer review into a measurable research output. Nature Geoscience is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Nature Publishing Group. The Chief Editor is Tamara Goldin, who took over from Heike Langenberg in February 2020. It was established in January 2008. Nature Geoscience. Ancient rivers of the desert .
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För att markera orsaken till att den första journalstötfaktorn för Nature Geoscience släpptes, skämtar vi I en ny artikel i tidskriften Nature Geoscience och i en ny avhandling från Uppsala universitet har Anne Kellerman jämfört den kemiska Nature Geoscience 1, 750-754. 17 Mote, T. L. 2007. Nature Geoscience 2, 115-119.
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Get full journal access for 1 year. $59.00. only $4.92 per issue. Nature Geoscience ISSN 1752-0908 (online) nature.com sitemap. About us; Press releases Subscribe to Journal. Get full journal access for 1 year. $59.00.
Published. Journal of International Geoscience, Vol.1- (1978-) Continued by: Journal of Geosciences. Vol. Nature Geoscience, Online from 2008-.
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It was established in January 2008.
Nature Geoscience is a monthly multi-disciplinary journal aimed at bringing together top-quality research across the entire spectrum of the Earth Sciences along with relevant work in related areas. The journal's content reflects all the disciplines within the geosciences, encompassing field work, modelling and theoretical studies. The Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience is an academic bimonthly journal focused on natural gas exploration and exploitation, sponsored by Northwest
The aim of the journal is to become the premier source of high quality research from all over the world. Open Geosciences is designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas between experienced and young researchers from different countries.
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doi:10.1029/2006JF000597. .earth Grundande medlem · Hållbarhet: The Journal of Record Biogeosciences '15 Sitch et al. Nature Geoscience '09 Le Quéré et al.
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