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BNP Paribas Funds US GrowthClassic EURR - Morningstar

Price (EUR) 278.13. Today's Change 1.30 / 0.47%. 1 Year change --. Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Apr 08 2021. BNP Paribas Arbitrage Fund - Growth: NA : 609.73: 0.38: 0.86: 1.87: 3.44: 5.40: BNP Paribas Multi Cap Fund - Growth: 2: 526.12-0.54: 7.22: 28.45: 57.48: 8.86: BNP Paribas Substantial Equity Hybrid Handla fonden BNP Paribas US Growth Classic R hos oss. Vi har över 1200 fonder att välja bland.

Bnp growth fund

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Get latest updates on Top Holdings, NAV, Mutual Fund Risk Return Analysis, Fund Manager Details, Comparision with other peers and Portfolio Allocation of BNP Paribas Long Term Equity Fund Growth … BNP PARIBAS EUROPE GROWTH Fund Factsheet Classic, Distribution Marketing Communication SUSTAINABLE INDICATORS ESG global score 61.10 Benchmark : 58.57 Environmental contrib. Social contrib. Governance contrib. Portfolio 4.97 5.12 1.00 BNP Paribas Arbitrage Fund Direct - Growth is a Hybrid mutual fund scheme from BNP Paribas Mutual Fund. This scheme was launched on 28 Dec 2016 and is currently managed by its fund managers Karthikraj Lakshmanan , Mayank Prakash and Chockalingam Narayanan . Karthikraj Lakshmanan, Mayank Prakash is the Current Fund Manager of BNP Paribas Substantial Equity Hybrid Fund Direct Growth fund.The fund currently has an Asset Under Management (AUM) of ₹ 537 Cr and the Latest NAV as of 09 Apr 2021 is ₹ 16.90. The BNP Paribas Substantial Equity Hybrid Fund Direct Growth is rated Very High risk.

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Evli Nordic Corporate Bond B. 4,26. BNP Paribas US  Aberdeen Standard SICAV I - Diversified Growth Fund A Acc EUR - BNP Paribas Securities Services, Luxemburg, fungerar som fondens depåhållare och. Fonden Franklin European Growth A(acc) EUR steg 0,1 procent i juni, vilket var sämre än fondens Fond MM, förändring i procent, 0,1.

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Fonden eftersträvar långsiktig kapitaltillväxt, i USD räknat, genom att i huvudsak investera i tillväxtinriktade stamaktier i amerikanska storföretag och i begränsad omfattnig, utländska företag. Läs mer. De samenstelling van de tegoeden van het fonds gebeurt met inachtneming van de modaliteiten betreffende pensioenspaarfondsen, zodat de deelnemers kunnen genieten van de fiscale voordelen die erin voorzien zijn.BNP Paribas B Pension Sustainable Growth zal voornamelijk beleggen in wereldwijde bedrijfsaandelen en, in mindere mate, in obligaties en andere schuldeffecten uitgedrukt in verschillende valuta’s. BNP Paribas Asset Management (‘BNPP AM’) renames BNP Paribas Human Development fund as BNP Paribas Inclusive Growth fund and changes investment strategy focused on diversity and inclusive growth. Inclusive Growth fund invests in companies combining financial performance with proactive approach to reducing social inequalities.

Bnp growth fund

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BNP Paribas FundsEurope Growth Classic RH SGD MD DISTRIBUTION : 117.61 SGD +4.6 +4.5 +35.2 +11.4 +20.9: LU0956003874 : BNP Paribas FundsEurope Growth X3 CAPITALISATION : 0.01 € 0: 0---LU1022397688 : BNP Paribas FundsEurope Growth Classic RH USD CAPITALISATION : 150.02 $ +4.7 +4.9 +41.7 +30.8 +53.2: LU0823404248 : BNP Paribas FundsEurope Find all latest information on BNP Paribas Mid Cap Growth Option Mutual Fund . Explore NAV, dividend history, fund statement, SIP details & more in 2021 at RankMF Find all latest information on BNP Paribas Mid Cap Growth Option Mutual Fund Other Details. Explore NAV, dividend history, fund statement, SIP details & more in 2021 at RankMF 022-22227777 2018-06-01 BNP Paribas Europe Growth - This sub-fund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or other similar securities of companies that the management team deems to have greater-than-average BNP PARIBAS SUSTAINABLE MULTI-ASSET GROWTH Fund Factsheet Classic, Distribution Marketing Communication DASHBOARD AS AT 26.02.2021 Asset Class Balanced Benchmark Composite Benchmark* No. of Holdings 24 Fund Size (EUR millions) 543 Risk Indicator YTD Performance (1) Benchmark 1.27 % 1.32 % 3-year Annualised Perf. (2) Benchmark 9.02 % 7.50 % BNP Paribas Large Cap Fund Direct - Growth is a Equity mutual fund scheme from BNP Paribas Mutual Fund.

The scheme was launched on Mar 17, 2017 and is managed by Karthikraj Lakshmanan,Mayank Prakash and has an AUM of 7838 crores. BNP Paribas Asset Management (‘BNPP AM’) renames BNP Paribas Human Development fund as BNP Paribas Inclusive Growth fund and changes investment strategy focused on diversity and inclusive growth. Inclusive Growth fund invests in companies combining financial performance with proactive approach to reducing social inequalities.
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BNP Paribas Large Cap Fund - Growth. Add to Portfolio Track SIP with Portfolio Add to Watchlist Regular Direct.

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BNP Paribas US Growth - This sub-fund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other similar securities of companies that conduct the majority of their business activities in sectors that Bnp Paribas B Pension Growth Fund Price Forecast, LP65118221 fund price prediction. The best long-term & short-term Bnp Paribas B Pension Growth share price prognosis Find our live Bnp Paribas B Pension Growth fund basic information. View & analyze the LP65118221 fund chart by total assets, risk rating, Min. investment, market cap and category. BNP Paribas US Growth - This sub-fund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other similar securities of companies that conduct the majority of their business activities in sectors that seem to have greater-than-average potential for growth, relatively stable growth in profits and that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in the United BNP Paribas large Cap Fund Growth. Large-Cap.