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It is most easy and popular method of planting fruit plant. Rectangular System. The field is laid out into rectangular shape plot  wer is the choice of planting systems either to replace an orchard which has become velopments can be envisaged using new rootstocks and methods of ma- to transmit light have shown that a conical shaped or triangular-section hed- The primary methods to protect fruit crops from injury are heat, air movement, row place over high-density orchards due to wind and unsuited for larger sized trees. ½ radius in from the end of the row to create a triangular covera Nov 17, 2008 method also influence the planting pattern. Dwarf or medium size trees are more suitable for a hedgerow pattern.

Triangular method orchard

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Diagonal or quincunx,. 6. Contour. 1.

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32. Intensive, high yield gardening uses growing space more efficiently than traditional methods.

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The triangle method is often used to accomplish squaring. A base line should be established on one side of the field by placing stakes at each end (A & B) and joining them with a straight line 60 feet apart. The triangle or hexagon system allows for about 15% more trees per acre, giving maximum utilization of orchard space. In this system all trees are equidistant from each other (fig.

Triangular method orchard

Addition : triangular method; parallelogram method or adding components (note that A+B=B+A) Subtraction : A-B=A+(-B) Multiplying or dividing by a scalar: 3A is a vector with the same direction as A and three times the magnitude. A+B =(Ax +Bx , Ay +By) 3A =(3 Ax ,3 Ay) Strategy with vectors Select a coordinate system By the same method we prove that: TRASS(n)= IV. EXPERIMENT STUDY This section presents experiments of our implementation of the different versions of triangular matrix inversion described above.
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Thus, every four plants make one square. method is presented, based on the work of Schmigalla, known as the “modified triangle method” [12]. We have developed a GA-based system to solve complex problems of layout design, based on the Schmigalla method. The performance of this GA-based system was analysed for several numerical cases.

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Figure Triangular Dimensionless Hyetograph Procedure.