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HCP, Inc. (NYSE: HCP) said Oct. 30 that it has changed its name to Healthpeak Properties, Inc. The company is expected to begin trading under its new name and ticker symbol “PEAK” on the New York Stock Exchange at the start of trade on Nov. 5. Effective September 2007, the company changed its name from Health Care Property Investors, Inc. to HCP, Inc. In March 2008, the company was added to the S&P 500 Index. In October 2016, the company completed the corporate spin-offof Quality Care Properties. HCP Inc. Dividend policy Suspended Name Rating Ex-Div Date Company Name. Price.
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Colony Financial Inc. HCP Changes Name to Healthpeak Properties™ and Announces Promotion of Scott Brinker to President and Chief Investment Officer Along with Other Leadership Promotions PR Newswire IRVINE, Calif., Oct. IRVINE, Calif.—HCP, Inc., announced today that it has changed its name to Healthpeak Properties, Inc. (“Healthpeak”), effective today. Healthpeak’s common stock is expected to begin trading under its new name and ticker symbol “PEAK” on the New York Stock Exchange at the opening of trading on November 5, 2019. What’s in a name change?
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Please ensure that your registered name is the same as your practising name. HCP Inc. HCP — now renamed Healthpeak Properties, Inc. — reported third-quarter 2019 funds from operations (FFO) as adjusted of 44 cents per share, surpassing the Zacks Consensus Estimate by a On February 8, 2015, the board of directors (the “Board”) of HCP, Inc. (the “Company”) adopted amendments to the Company’s bylaws to implement “proxy access” (allowing eligible stockholders to include their own nominees for director in the Company’s proxy materials along with the Board-nominated candidates) and to make certain other conforming and technical changes. HCP Inc. HCP — now renamed Healthpeak Properties, Inc. — reported third-quarter 2019 funds from operations (FFO) as adjusted of 44 cents per share, surpassing the Zacks Consensus Estimate by a HCP, Inc. (NYSE: HCP) today announced the promotion of Troy E. McHenry to Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary.Mr. McHenry will succeed James W. Mercer, Executive Vice HCP, Inc. Completes Spin-Off of Quality Care Properties, Inc. Quality Care Properties to Begin "Regular Way" Trading on NYSE on November 1 HCP | 4,284 followers on LinkedIn.