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Here are some things to keep in mind when… Medium I wish I'd known these podcast editing tips when I first started to edit podcasts. https://mrc.fm/presets 🎙 Adobe Audition Presets! 🎧 The audio presets Welcome to Tips and Trips, your podcast guide to travel tips on the fly. I’m your host Abbey Zartman, and each episode I sit down and talk with experts, local guides, or travel enthusiasts answering all of your travel questions along the way.

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In deze podcast tips en tricks om  Podcasts luisteren is voor mij cultuur snuiven: je leert nieuwe dingen, wordt Yuki Kho en Heske ten Cate een podcast maken over vrouwen in de kunst. Podcast. Het is 2020 en nog steeds verdienen vrouwen voor hetzelfde werk In deze podcast gaat Julia Wouters op zoek naar antwoorden en praktische tips! 8 maart 2021 Podcast luisteren? Van nieuws, politiek, crime, tot slap gelul: dit zijn onze favoriete podcasts. Bekijk hier de beste podcasts van dit moment.

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2021-04-06 2021-01-01 As the interviewer, it’s your responsibility to create something worth listening to. So here are 9 key tips for conducting better podcast interviews: 1. Find Guests You’re Really Interested In. Even David Letterman can’t do much with a guest who’s stiffer than a plank of wood. 2020-08-05 2008-11-04 2019-01-01 2018-07-31 2019-11-25 Podcasts have gone mainstream — 37 percent of Americans over the age of 12 listen to at least one podcast per month.

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