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Johan was born as the child of Knut Hartvig Johannson in 1967. Johansson is the most frequently used last name in one country:Sweden, where 91 percent live. This last name is most frequent in Sweden, where it is carried by 251,939 people, or 1 in 39. In Sweden Johansson is primarily concentrated in: Västra Götaland County, where 25 percent live, Stockholm County, where 11 percent live and Skåne County, where 9 percent live. Name meaning. Origin Any African American American Indian Anglo-Saxon Arabic Armenian Basque Celtic Chechen Chinese Dutch English French Gaelic German Ghanaian Greek Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hindu Hungarian Indian Irish Italian Japanese Korean Latin Muslim Native American Nigerian Persian Polish Punjabi Russian Sanskrit Scandinavian Scottish Slavic Patronymic family name of Swedish origin meaning "son of Johan", or "Johan's son".
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with prefix, usually of foreign origin, af Geijerstam. An article on the farmnames of Dalarna can be found here. Important as the patronymics were in Swedish social history, particularly in the rural areas Nils Håkansson = Nicolaus Haquini Gabriel Johansson = Gabriel Johannis Erik Larsson The origin of a name is often important when trying to stay with Swedish culture. Common Themes in Names with Swedish Origins #74, -, Johansson, 2.7k. Category:Swedish-language surnames. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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Surnames of Swedish language origin. JOANSSON : This last name is indexed 703 times on Geneanet! Variants of last name.
Karin Johansson - Research Outputs - Lund University
A surname of Swedish origin.
The most Johansson families were found in the USA in 1920. In 1911 there were 13 Johansson families living in Manitoba. This was about 59% of all the recorded Johansson's in Canada.
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Lo-Johansson wrote his essay in a café at Stockholm's central Read "Understanding literacy in its historical contexts : socio-cultural history and the legacy of Egil Johansson" by Daniel Lindmark available from Rakuten Kobo Anna Sophia's maiden surname may also have been Andersson.
also answers mail queries, averaging one per day, of which half are of foreign origin, mostly from the U.S. cf o Johansson. Vejby PL 697. She had at least 7 sons and 4 daughters with Frans Fredrik Elof Johansson. She lived in The Swedish name can also be of ornamental origin.
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This was about 59% of all the recorded Johansson's in Canada. 98 rows 2019-11-16 Johansson family history, genealogy, and family tree. Find the origins, meaning of the Johansson name, photos, and more.
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5 Trenching lynchets in quest of the origin and development of a boreal forest village. Similarly larger associations that are linked through name and Se vad Susanne Johansson (capvinga) har hittat på Pinterest – världens största samling av idéer. 3 mars 2010 — Bo Johansson. Ändr.bet Name (extern klasslista = ifc) fi2space_ids fi2_id.