ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. Sedar Forum Placera - Avanza
ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. Sedar Forum Placera - Avanza
ABOUT SHAMARAN. ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. is a Kurdistan focused oil development and exploration company with a 20.1% direct interest in the Atrush oil discovery, which is currently ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. Keith Hill Chairman (604) 806-3583 ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. Pradeep Kabra President and CEO 0041 22 560 8605 ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. Sophia Shane Corporate Development (604) 689-7842 (604) 689-4250 (FAX) ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.
Search within PDF documents. Setup alerts to get notified when latest documents get released. ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.: ShaMaran Reports Atrush 2P Reserves Replacement Ratio of 108% and Provides 2021 Guidance Publicerad: 2021-02-15 (Cision) Onsdag 10 februari ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. is a Canadian independent oil development and exploration company with a 27.6% interest in the Atrush Block production sharing contract. The Atrush Block is located in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq.
Shamaran kommer att gå ihop med 1. Sinopec: Bolaget har
SNM.V 15 min. delayed. 0.055 0.005 SEDI Insider filings SEDAR Documents Short history Community Wiki Website.
ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.: ShaMaran Reports 40% Increase
is a Kurdistan focused oil development and exploration company with a 20.1% direct interest in the Atrush oil discovery, which is currently undergoing appraisal and Reserves and resources: ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.'s reserve and contingent resource estimates are as at December 31, 2019 and have been prepared and audited in accordance with National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities ("NI 51-101") and the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook ("COGE Handbook"). 2020-05-11 · 1/5 SHAMARAN FIRST QUARTER 2020 FINANCIAL AND OPERATING RESULTS MAY 11, 2020 VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA ‐ ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. ("ShaMaran" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE: SNM) (OMX: SNM) ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.
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ShaMaran Reports 40% Increase in Company Gross 2P Reserves under the Company's profile on SEDAR at posted on February 17, 2020. kommenterade ShaMaran Petroleum Corp Shamaran och Lundin för blir som egna bolag som kommer att börja ge utdelning till stor ägarna längs med tiiden
kommenterade ShaMaran Petroleum Corp Sinopec: Bolaget har gjort en affär med Lundin förut i och med Lundinarnas försäljning av Tanganyika Oil. 2. 4 Månaders betalning, ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. Jag ser inte heller någon signatur från KRG i de avtalen som det är länkat till i SEDAR. R FLAGSHIP FILO DEL SOL PROJECT October 4, 2017: Filo Mining Corp (TSXV, for the Company's Filo del Sol Project has been completed and filed on SEDAR.
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Vi vill dela tankar, funderingar och agerande från ledningens sida, men även hjälpas åt att förstå informationen som finns och som tillkommer löpande. ShaMaran Third Quarter 2019 Financial and Operating Results Tue, Nov 05, 2019 23:30 CET. VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, November 5, 2019 /CNW/ - ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. ("ShaMaran" or the "Company") (TSX Venture: SNM) (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: SNM) today released its financial and operating results and related management discussion and analysis for the three and nine months ended 12 Mar 2014 ShaMaran is a Canadian-based oil and gas company with a 20.1% direct www and on SEDAR at, 7 May 2019 To the shareholders of Oryx Petroleum Corporation Limited (''Oryx Petroleum'' Corporation's website ( and on the Corporation's profile on SEDAR ( ShaMaran 6 Aug 2020 Medivolve Inc. > QSC SEDAR Posting Aug 06 also Webinar info Aug 10.
VANCOUVER, Feb. 17, 2020 /CNW/ - ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.
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ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.: ShaMaran Reports 40% Increase
The information contained in the ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. (“ShaMaran Petroleum” or the “Company”) web site is for information purposes only. This information does not constitute an offering of securities in any jurisdiction, nor is it intended to supplement nor replace the required disclosures of the Company.
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ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. Sedar Forum Placera - Avanza
Setup alerts to get notified when latest documents get released. ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.: ShaMaran Reports Atrush 2P Reserves Replacement Ratio of 108% and Provides 2021 Guidance Publicerad: 2021-02-15 (Cision) Onsdag 10 februari ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. is a Canadian independent oil development and exploration company with a 27.6% interest in the Atrush Block production sharing contract.