Hilma-af-Klint-3.jpg 1000×997 pixels Trådtavlor, Helig


http://www.diva-portal.org This is the published version of a

For now, only electrons have been observed to travel through these portals, generating auroras and the occasional magnetic storm near Earth’s poles. But this discovery could be the key to uncovering the function of some of the legendary portals on Earth that are said to act as gateways to other dimensions. Inter-Dimensional Portals 2016-03-28 2019-06-14 More evidence that mirrors are portals to other dimensions, and allow evil spirits into the room, or maybe even into the whole house: 1) According to Japanese Legend, If you reflect two mirrors into each other at midnight a demon pops out. 2016-11-19 A portal is an unseen vortex that connects two places through time and space, and even dimensions or other realities or timelines. It is very common for non physical entities to travel back and forth through these portals, but uncommon for you to be able to travel through them. There are multidimensional portals in the human body field that can be attuned for direct communion with the electro-magnetic energy of the grid and cosmos making regular earth travel involving time and space irrelevant.

Portals to other dimensions

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Often compared to the work of Hilma af Klint, dozens of rarely-seen drawings by the late Swiss  Buy N Scale Bridges, Ramps & Tunnels and other model trains from Dimensions: 145 x 135 x 75 mm Faller - Simplon North and South Tunnel portals. Spiritualist Drawings that Open Portals to Other Dimensions Ockult, Abstrakt Konst, Vackra Bilder,. Ockult. Abstrakt Konst.

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via youtube.com. Created from a huge piece of stone and hidden between caves, Ranmasu is thought to be a star chart or a star map. This portal has ancient symbols on the rock and is said to open gates between worlds for those who can understand the meaning. VISIT OUR SITE FOR THE BEST ARTICLES!: thefinestpost.com SUBSCRIBE TO THE BRILLIANT!: https://goo.gl/5qjW8zDescription:5.The Abu Gurab in Egypt:4.The Sedo The idea of parallel universes and various planes of existence have been entertained by the brightest minds of our ancient past as well as by deep-rooted spi THE CRYSTALLINE GRID.

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Sure this is a topic for science fiction novels, new age conspiracy theories and the new Indiana Jones movie. But dimensions past our own experience are having a big impact in theoretical ph 3D movies have been around since the 50s, and 3D monitors with shutter glasses were being sold 15 years ago. But 3D didn't make it into the mainstream until recently, when a major push for 3D movies put the technology in the news. Now t An Internet portal is a website that links users to other websites they are searching for.

Portals to other dimensions

Very high levels of paranormal activity are claimed to be found near portals.
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Forget that you have a notification on Facebook and two on Instagram, forget that you have to video chat with your cousin on Viber. That's a portal, it allows a craft to travel from one end of the universe to the other in a matter of seconds. Someone made a mistake when entering our system and basically got caught.

Artist and Healer Brad Silberberg makes them in the highly purified energy atmosphere inside our 8 foot diameter Heliosphere™ with the intention that they be real, functional openings to the energy, wisdom, and healing from other dimensions, and so they are. Se hela listan på powerlisting.fandom.com This is yet another reason why the aliens abduct people – to get them to open portals to other dimensions and universes, to allow more of the aliens and their allies and demons in.
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Some go to different dimensio In "The Dark Tower," a Stephen King series that began in 1982, travellers go through portals to different levels of the titular tower (in other words, parallel Earths). Part of the series was Portals are what they are: openings into this dimension from another dimension. The question is, for what purpose and what might one expect to come through? Lucifer has from the beginning attempted to keep humanity in the dark destroying any true information.

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0. Share Embed Published on 15 Mar 2021 / In Science. Join Se hela listan på newscientist.com Portals exist at planetary grid points that open and close from one dimension to another, but they can be found just about anywhere. Large, stronger portals are found in power places, such as the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, the Mayan Pyramids, Machu Picchu, and other sacred sites.