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As the Empire of Nerath grew It became became the site of a key border keep on the empire's northern border. The one keep grew into several and several small towns and farming villiages grew up to support the army and to trade with the Nentir Vale is a setting where most of the world is dangerous and places of safety are small and scattered. (These are the "Points of Light" that give the setting its common fan nickname, used until WotC started to refer to the whole setting by the name of the region — making it the Trope Namer and Trope Codifier for Points of Light Setting.) There was, briefly, Heroes of the Vale, an Actual Play stream. GMed by Mike Mearls, set in the the Nentir Vale and using 5e. I'm not surprised some of the D&D crew ran something like that, because as I said above it doesn't look like it'd require a big adaptation effort. I just loaded up my Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale is a supplement to the 4th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game.Bart Carroll, Producer at Wizards of the Coast, wrote: "In this book, you'll find a codex of monsters and villains to throw at the heroes as they explore every nook and cranny of the Nentir Vale or, by extension, your home campaign setting".

Nentir vale

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From the Publisher's Website: Terrifying monsters and villains for your heroic- and paragon-tier campaign. The Nentir Vale - a frontier land sheltered by mountains and strewn with abandoned farmsteads, ruined manors, and broken keeps - is the perfect base for any Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale presents statistics, tactics, and lore for an array of 1 The Nentir Vale 1.1 Fiveleague House 1.2 Gardmore Abbey 1.3 The Sword Barrow 1.4 Hammerfast 1.5 Harken Forest 1.6 Harkenwold 1.7 Kalton Manor 1.8 Keep on the Shadowfell 1.9 Kobold Hall 1.10 Nenlast 1.11 Raven Roost 1.12 Ruins of Fastormel 1.13 The Stonemarch 1.14 Temple of Yellow Skulls 1.15 Thunderspire 1.16 Winterhaven Fallcrest lies near the middle of the broad borderland region known as A small town built from the ruins of a larger city, Fallcrest is the crossroads of the Nentir Vale. Fallcrest stands amid the Moon Hills at the falls of the Nentir River. Here travelers and traders using the old King’s Road that runs north and south, the dwarven Trade Road from the east, and the river all meet. Hard under the Cairngorms at the west end of the Nentir Vale lies the remote town of Winterhaven. Like Fallcrest, Winterhaven is a small town surrounded by a few miles of farmland and pastures.

Nentir Vale Map - Ludo Stor Gallery from 2021

Shawn Ellsworth. September 10, Stronger than  Steel dragon | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom larawan.

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Nentir Vale is the sample community provided as a default setting in the 4th edition Dungeon Master's Guide. Most sourcebooks refer to the cosmology this community exists in as simply "the D&D world" though this appears to be an informal term. The Nentir Vale 1. An item in the character's possession becomes a magic item, typically of level 16-20 (+4) 2. The character gains a Legendary Boon, typically of level 16-20 (+4) 3. The character gains a Feat. 4.

Nentir vale

Markörer och kort  The Nentir Vale has been ravaged by the abyssal plague and the plague demons. The area is lawless and suspicions run rampant. Only safe as long as they  Winterhaven - The Nentir Vale. Christopher Wiesnerdnd maps · Fantasivärld, Kartografi, Idéer, Slott, Platser, Figurdesign, Mestá, Gaming. Designed by Richard Baker, this fantasy RPG scenario is a two part adventure set in the Nentir Vale that pits your heroes against the cruel mercenaries of The  The Nentir Vale has been ravaged by the abyssal plague and the plague demons.
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Gå till. Kastor Karhu 20 PK - Woodburning heaters | Foto. Kastor Karhu 20 PK - Woodburning  GodBahamut | The Nentir Vale and beyond (D&D 4e) | Obsidian Foto.

Publicerad: 11 apr 14:  Delimbiyr Vale regional map by Mike Schley Let me be really up-front about this: I am once again pleasantly surprised that The Nentir Vale - The Nentir Vale. Winterhaven - The Nentir Vale.
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The Nentir River and its tributaries run through the vale, ending in two main lakes. Despite its location, the Nentir Vale sees little snow. The Nentir River only freezes a few weeks during the coldest part of the year, and summers are cool and mild.[7] 1 The Nentir Vale 1.1 Major Settlements 1.2 Geographic Features 1.3 Ruins The Nentir Vale only a few short centuries ago was a sparsely settled wilderness.

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Fiveleague House. Fiveleague House is more properly known as the Fiveleague Inn. 2008-10-22 · The Nentir Vale is a northern land, but it sees relatively little snow — winters are windy and bitterly cold. The Nentir River is too big to freeze except for a few weeks in the coldest part of the year.