How do I suggest a purchase? 2021-04-15 · You can suggest a purchase using this form. Skip to main navigation Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to search Skip to content Hours & Location Help Help, opens a new window 2021-03-02 · Suggest a Purchase. We welcome suggestions of titles to add to our collections. It may take 2-3 weeks to place orders.

Lapl suggest a purchase

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Suggest a purchase if there is something you think we should add to our collection. If we add it, you will be first in line to borrow it. If the library doesn't have a material that you'd like to borrow, you can submit a suggest a purchase form to request it. Suggesting a purchase does not guarantee that the library will purchase the material. Suggest a Purchase. The Oakville Public Library welcomes your suggestions for additions to the collection.

Materials Recovery Program; City Librarian; Connect With Us; Contact Us. eCard Registration; infoNow (Ask A Librarian) Change of Address; Suggest a Purchase; Technical Problems; Your Library Story; Adult Library Card Pre-Registration hoopla is a digital media platform that gives access to digital entertainment content from either mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets and/or via any browser. hoopla offers e-books, e-comics, full length feature movies, episodic television programming, full musical albums and unabridged audiobooks. You can suggest it for purchase with this form, and it will be considered for addition to our library's collection.


Lapl suggest a purchase

The Library also offers a Telephone Circulation Service. Suggest a Purchase If you can't find an item in the Library Catalog (V-Cat) and you think we should have it, let us know!
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Suggest a Purchase. Thank you for your suggestion.

To help us identify the title you wish to see added, please provide us with as much information as you know. Please use our Interlibrary Loan service to request an item from another library system. * indicates a required field.
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Due to the number of suggestions we receive, we’re unable to notify you if the title you suggest is not ordered. If you have a question or need help, Ask Us or call 206-386-4636. Related Links Click on a marker to view branch information, driving directions and public transportation information.Scroll the map or adjust zoom level to see other branches in the area. Suggest a purchase form.

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Suggest a purchase of new material. If Gothenburg University Library does not have the material you need, you can suggest that we purchase it. Materials can be books, journals, databases or other media.