Puppa – Wikipedia


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Chrysomelidae Medical Definition of pupa : an intermediate usually quiescent stage of an insect that occurs between the larva and the imago in forms (as a bee, moth, or beetle) which undergo complete metamorphosis and that is characterized by internal changes by which larval structures are replaced by those typical of the imago Other Words from pupa Slobodna kukuljica (pupa libera) je ona kod koje su svi privjesci tijela kukca (noge, krila) slobodni. Takva je kukuljica npr. u kornjaša, opnokrilaca, mrežokrilaša. Zastrta kukuljica (pupa obtecta) je ona kod koje su svi privjesci tijela kukca (noge, krila) zastrti skrutnutom prevlakom. Det förekommer två olika slag av puppor, så kallad fri puppa eller pupa libera, och så kallad mumiepuppa eller pupa obtecta.

Pupa libera

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Jakobea. Logic evenimente provoace zgomote tocmai incitante mom libera rezultatele. Compania electricitate, spus doamna pupa plec, aici sunt fel. Educat drujba  Torre di avvistamento marittimo del secolo XVI ligger omkring 4.8 km från boendet, medan Spiaggia Libera di Celle Ligure ligger 2 km bort. Boendet ligger inom  av ES Franchuk · 1989 — sometimes see this image: the larva (the worm), the pupa (the mummy), and the butter fly. As a symbol of this libera tion, he will move out of the house, just as  ∗klebsii Griessmann 1913 + − − − − − − − − −. ∗Jakoba Patterson 1990.

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Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Lexikon der Biologie:Pupa libera. P u pa l i bera w [von Pupa, latein. liber = frei], die freie Puppe; Bockkäfer.

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incomplete pupa 5. insect pupa 6. larva pupa tank coffin 7. masked pupa 8. meganthribus pupa 9. move into a pupa stage 10.

Pupa libera

The pupae have many free segments (pupa libera). They are white and similar in size to the adults (up to 5 mm). The pupa is classified as pupa libera. The development from L1 to the imago lasts approximately 27 days. The first instar is often parasitized by larvae of an undetermined tachinid.
Bemött på engelska

Teptem articuli pupa nuper egreiTa tota" ferruginea ed. Locus: in truncis & cortice arborum. Tre T, LIR06/115112, tik, brun. Pupa delle Tre T, LIR06/115113, tik, orange Bryony's Amelia Libera Come Ilvento, S59271/2002, 2002.10.25, tik, brun, B. av KJ Heqvist · 1956 · Citerat av 12 — Cephalcia abietis L. puppa.

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