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Microsoft PowerPoint: Pris och betyg 2021 - Capterra Sverige

I paketet ingår Word, Excel, PowerPoint mm. Du kan  Microsoft Office PowerPoint - Mjukvaruförsäkring - 1 PC - Open Value - Nivå D - extra produkt, 1 år inköpt år 1 - Win. Att du ska kunna skapa egna. mallar som följer företagets profil. Microsoft PowerPoint och programvara. På kursen använder vi alltid den senaste versionen av som startade 1997, är troligen Sveriges största utbildare i Excel, Word, PowerPoint och Outlook.

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Microsoft Office products offer translation using the AI-powered Translator service. Learn more about Translator’s text and speech translation. Shop at Best Buy for Microsoft 365 & Office Software, Find Microsoft 365 and Office, Office 2010 and more in Home, Student, or Professional versions. Demonstrate that you have the skills needed to get the most out of PowerPoint by earning the Microsoft Office Specialist: PowerPoint Associate Certification. This certification demonstrates competency to create, edit, and enhance presentations and slideshows.

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Med Microsoft 365 på webben (tidigare Office 365) kan du visa, redigera och dela filer från Word, Excel, PowerPoint och OneNote på dina enheter i en webbläsare. Download latest version of Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows. Safe and Virus Free.

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The latest version of the software can be installed on PCs running Windows 95/NT Workstation 4.0/98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10, both 32 and 64-bit. The actual developer of the program is Microsoft.

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Software included. Office for Windows: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, OneNote, Outlook and Skype for Business. Office for Mac:.
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Also included in Microsoft Office 2007 is the Outlook email client and Access, which is a database management program. A valid license from Microsoft is required to use this software.

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