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The index consists of the 30 most actively traded stocks on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. The limited number of constituents guarantees that all the underlying shares of the index have excellent liquidity, which results in an index that is highly suitable as underlying for derivatives products. Risers and Fallers. Change. Instrument in index Se kursutvecklingen för OMX Stockholm GI idag! Se historisk utveckling genom att välja annan tidsperiod i grafen.

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Se historisk utveckling genom att välja annan tidsperiod i grafen. Vad är OMX Stockholm 30 som väger samman utvecklingen i de 30 mest handlade När du tittar på index kan du hålla utkik efter bokstäverna PI och GI. OMX Stockholm 30 GI har brutit upp genom taket på den stigande trendkanalen på medellång sikt, och signalerar med det en starkare stigningstakt. Den positiva utvecklingen öppnar emellertid för kortsiktiga korrektioner tillbaka från dagens nivå. Det saknas motstånd i kursdiagrammet och ytterligare uppgång indikeras. OMXS30, OMX Stockholm 30 Index, (SE0000337842) Index info; Index activity; Historiska kurser 2021-04-16 · OMX Stockholm 30 is the Stockholm Stock Exchange's leading share index. The index consists of the 30 most actively traded stocks on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.

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–1. Denna artikel förklarar vad OMX 30 eller OMXS30 är och hur du kan handla Ett index är en samling aktier eller andra Vad är OMX börsen?

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The base date for OMXS30GI is May 23, 2006 with a base value of 100. Zoom Invalid date 0 Invalid date 1h 3h All NasdaqOMX.com The composition of the OMXS30 index is revised twice a year. The OMXS30 Index is a market weighted price index. The base date for the OMX Stockholm 30 Index is September 30, 1986, with a base value of 125. Last Updated: 4/9/2021 Find the latest information on OMX Stockholm 30_GI (^OMXS30GI) including data, charts, related news and more from Yahoo Finance OMX STOCKHOLM 30 GI Today: Get all information on the OMX STOCKHOLM 30 GI Index including historical chart, news and constituents. Find the latest information on OMX Stockholm 30 Cap_GI (^OMXS30CAPGI) including data, charts, related news and more from Yahoo Finance OMXS30GI, OMX Stockholm 30_GI, (SE0002402800) OMXS30GI, OMX Stockholm 30_GI, (SE0002402800) The OMX Stockholm All-Share Gross Index includes all the shares listed on OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm.

Omx stockholm 30 gi

The OMXS30 Index is a market weighted price index. The base date for the OMX Stockholm 30 Index is September 30, 1986, with a base value of 125. Last Updated: 4/9/2021 Find the latest information on OMX Stockholm 30_GI (^OMXS30GI) including data, charts, related news and more from Yahoo Finance OMX STOCKHOLM 30 GI Today: Get all information on the OMX STOCKHOLM 30 GI Index including historical chart, news and constituents. Find the latest information on OMX Stockholm 30 Cap_GI (^OMXS30CAPGI) including data, charts, related news and more from Yahoo Finance OMXS30GI, OMX Stockholm 30_GI, (SE0002402800) OMXS30GI, OMX Stockholm 30_GI, (SE0002402800) The OMX Stockholm All-Share Gross Index includes all the shares listed on OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm. The aim of the index is to reflect the current status and changes in the market.
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OMX Stockholm 30_GI (OMXS30GI — OMX Stockholm 30, (OMXS30) är ett OMX Stockholm GI Få aktiekurser  2018, 20 to trading on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB. OMX STOCKHOLM 30 GI – hier finden Sie den aktuellen OMX Senaste slutkurs: ( )  Omx index 20 år graf. BÖRSEN: ELEKTA OCH SSAB TIDIGA — Hoppa till Omx graf 20 år.

OBX in Oslo, OMXS30 in Stockholm and OMXH25 in Helsinki. However the description of the calculation of these deemed ineligible. NASDAQ OMX Stockholm defines the number of shares in the index by the domicile.
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The index consists of the 30 most actively traded stocks on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. The limited number of constituents guarantees that all the underlying shares of the index have excellent liquidity, which results in an index that is highly suitable as underlying for derivatives products. Risers and Fallers. Change.

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Senaste slutkurs: 2 (), 17 mar 2021. Candlesticks (Endast för  OMX Stockholm 30 Index (^OMX). Add to watchlist. Stockholm - Stockholm Real Time Price. Currency in SEK. 2,257.60 -22.90 (-1.00%). At close: 5:35PM CEST.