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Gallblåsa. Medicinsk sök. Wikipedia

205 and 257) • Truncus coeliacus with – A. gastrica sinistra – A. splenica – A. hepatica communis. One unpaired trunk that supplies the intestinum tenue and intestinum crassum as far as the flexura coli sinistra (see C, pp. 205 Լեղապարկը (vesica biliaris) տանձաձև է։ Նրա լայն, լյարդի առաջային եզրի տակից դուրս եկող ծայրը կոչվում է հատակ(fundus)։ Լեղապարկի հակառակ բարակ ծայրը կոչվում է վզիկը(collum vesicae), իսկ միջին մասը՝ մարմին(corpus vesicae)։ Վզիկի Gallenblase (Vesica biliaris) und Gallenwege (1 p.) From: Schünke et al.: Prometheus LernAtlas - Innere Organe (2018) Hepar, Vesica biliaris und Splen (1 p.) Galleblæra (latin: vesica biliaris eller vesica fellea) er eit lite, pæreforma organ der galle blir lagra og konsentrert før han blir sleppt ut i tynntarmen. Menneske kan leve utan galleblæra.

Vesica biliaris anatomy

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A. Decter. B. Sinister. C. Communis. 2. Ductus cysticus.

biliary - Englisch-Deutsch Medizin-Fachwörterbuch - PONS

Loading 3D model 2.1 Gefäßversorgung One unpaired trunk that supplies the hepar, vesica biliaris, pancreas, splen, gaster, and duodenum (see C, pp. 205 and 257) • Truncus coeliacus with – A. gastrica sinistra – A. splenica – A. hepatica communis. One unpaired trunk that supplies the intestinum tenue and intestinum crassum as far as the flexura coli sinistra (see C, pp. 205 Se hela listan på Vezica biliara (vesica biliaris, s.vesica fellea) are o forma de forma de para, in care bila se acumuleaza si se concentreaza.

3 Flashcards

vesicae biliaris … Medical dictionary. corpus vesicae biliaris — [TA] body of gallbladder: the central portion of the gallbladder, extending from the fundus to the neck; called also c. vesicae felleae [TA alternative] … Aprenda sobre a anatomia, localização, embriologia, histologia e função da vesícula biliar, e entenda sobre bile e os cálculos de vesícula.

Vesica biliaris anatomy

collum vesicae felleae — TA alternative for c. vesicae biliaris … 1.12 Gallenblase (Vesica biliaris) und Gallenwege Lage Gallenblase: intraperitoneal direkt an der Facies visceralis der Leber; Gallenblasen hals (Ausgang der Gallenblase = Collum vesicae biliaris) weist zur Leberpforte; Gallenblasen grund (Fundus vesicae biliaris) gerade noch unter dem scharfen Leberrand, etwa in der Medioklavikularlinie unter dem Rippenbogen zu sehen (dort Druckschmerz bei 2 Anatomy. The gallbladder is pear-shaped and is located at the base of the liver in the fossa vesicae felleae. It is connected to the liver by the facies visceralis with firm connective tissue (part of Glisson's capsule). The side facing the intestines is covered by the peritoneum.
Kraft translation

vesicae biliaris … 1.12 Gallenblase (Vesica biliaris) und Gallenwege Lage Gallenblase: intraperitoneal direkt an der Facies visceralis der Leber; Gallenblasen hals (Ausgang der Gallenblase = Collum vesicae biliaris) weist zur Leberpforte; Gallenblasen grund (Fundus vesicae biliaris) gerade noch unter dem scharfen Leberrand, etwa in der Medioklavikularlinie unter dem Rippenbogen zu sehen (dort Druckschmerz bei 2 Anatomy. The gallbladder is pear-shaped and is located at the base of the liver in the fossa vesicae felleae. It is connected to the liver by the facies visceralis with firm connective tissue (part of Glisson's capsule).

artär, artärer. a arteria (artär). aa. arteriae (artärer).
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Anatomi -fysiologi. Anatomy & Physiology: Kap. 27 : Fluid

A small, pear-shaped muscular sac under the right lobe of the liver, where bile secreted by the liver is stored until needed by the body for digestion. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. The gallbladder is divided into three sections: the fundus, body, and neck.

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Bukhåla Flashcards

Title: Vesícula Biliar e … Category: Labeled-Anatomy Atlas 5E Brazil. Large Intestine Anatomy · Accessory Digestive Organs teeth, tongue, salivary glands, hepar, gallbladder(vesica biliaris), pancreas. Image: accessory digestive  Vesica biliaris. Gastrointestinalsystemets Funktion?