KICKBACK - svensk översättning - engelskt-svenskt


kick back payment -Svensk översättning - Linguee

Start in boxing stance. Pivot on the left foot to face backward and lift the right foot off the ground. Spot target at the front  This page provides details on the martial arts back kick. The back kick is used in many different martial arts styles such as Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Karate, Muay  A back kick is more than just a cool-looking trick—it's a powerful strike that can catch your opponent off-guard while doing a lot of damage. Back kicks also  Meaning of kickback, Definition of Word kickback in Almaany Online Dictionary, searched domain is category, in the dictionary of English Arabic. Svensk översättning av 'kickback' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online. Translation for 'kick-back' in the free English-Swedish dictionary and many other Swedish translations.

Kick back meaning

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kick back. verb. spring back, as from a forceful thrust. Synonyms: kick, recoil. Example - The gun kicked back into   Apr 19, 2015 Video shows what kickback means.

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Just because we fly to exotic destinations doesn't mean we get to see them While passengers kick back to read that new softcover purchased  write poetry, sing karaoke, dance like a beast or solve the meaning of life. Solve a massive murder investigation, or relax and kick back with  Ponder the meaning of life at Stockholm archipelago, an island paradise Kick back and enjoy some sun in one of Gothenburg's cosy cafes.

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I Lysas förvaltning är det helt centralt att vi  It will still show up in searches of the Dutch-English dictionary as a translation.

Kick back meaning

Var noga med att hålla isär kick-back-erbjudandet från ren underkonsulting som ju innebär att ditt företag fakturerar via ett annat företag. noun. money paid generally to an official for covertly assisting an organization, individual, or initiative. The congressman received a ten-percent kick back for supporting the legislation that would give the mining company exclusive rights to the region.
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More example sentences · 2informal A payment made to someone who has  A kickback can mean a bribe, payoff, or backhander. We consider kickbacks in the form of cash, credit, or gifts as corrupt practices. The word can also mean a  Definition of kickback noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms  A dictionary at hand gives the definition of kick back as "1. (literally) kick back, retort.

The congressman received a ten-percent kick back for supporting the legislation that would give the mining company exclusive rights to the region. See more words with the same meaning: money. To spring back against suddenly: The rifle kicked my shoulder when I fired it.
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KICK - Translation in English - - Online dictionary for 28

Typically, that person goes on to use their power or influence to make another person or organization even richer. Kickbacks are often the result of a corrupt bidding scheme.

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