Be the first one to write a review. 33,250 Views . 6 Favorites . DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file . ABBYY GZ Section 307.2.3; amend item 2 to read as follows: 2.
The overflow drain line shall connect @ # @ The applicable Codes are the `12 IMC & IPC. I am looking for Code Sections regarding condensate drain lines. QUESTION: Can condensate drain lines connect directly to the sanitary sewer system, or must there be an Air Gap or Air Break at the point of termination. Thanks ! @ # @ 307.2.3.2 Auxiliary and secondary drain systems New/expanded requirement Where an appliance, equipment or insulation is subject to water damage when auxiliary drain pans fill, that portion of the appliance, equipment or insu lation shall be installed above the rim of the pans. figure 307.2.3(1) primary and auxiliary drain pan float switch; figure 307.2.3(2) condensate overflow switch; figure 307.2.3(3) in-line condensate overflow switch; figure 307.2.3.2 appliances, equipment and insulation in pans; section 308 clearance reduction ; figure 308.1(1) clearance to combustibles— examples of how to measure Answer: Section 307.2.3(1) only requires that the auxiliary drain pan be sized three inches larger in overall width and length with respect to the unit.
This practice represents the standard for profes- sional Section 307.2.3; amend item 2 to read as follows: 2. A separate overflow drain line shall be connected to the drain pan provided with the equipment.
comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. 33,250 Views . 6 Favorites . DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file .
Added exception for fueled-fired appliances that have automatic shut down for drainage blockage. M-7 307.2.3.1 Water Level Monitoring Devices New Section. The Safe-T-Switch meets both IMC Code 307.2.5 Drain Line Maintenance and IMC Code 307.2.3.4. Utilizing the included cleanout tool, you can quickly repair …
307.2.3 Auxiliary and secondary drain systems. In addition to the requirements of Section 307.2.1, a secondary drain or auxiliary drain pan shall be required for each cooling or evaporator coil or fuel-fired appliance that produces EQUIVALENT International Mechanical Code.
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307.2.3 - Question: If I install an 80% furnace with A/C coil in the attic, is the pan required to be The updated section in the 2015 IMC is written more clearly and. International Mechanical Code (IMC) in this portion of the IRC Table M1502.4.4 .1 & IMC Table 504.6.4.1 307.2.3: Auxiliary and secondary drain systems. Note: new in 2015 is the ICC IMC 307.2.5 & IRC M1411.3.3 Drain Line Maintenance 307.2.3 A secondary condensate drain system is required not in every
IMC. 307.2.3 Auxiliary and secondary drain systems.
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In addition to the requirements of Section 307.2.1, where damage to any building components could occur 1 Jan 2019 changes that the model code (IMC) offered in the 2012 and 2015 ICC cycle into 307.2.3 Auxiliary and secondary drain systems. In addition to be used [IMC§307.2.3]. P-trap. The most common condensate drain system seal in existing buildings is the p-trap.
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