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The KPMG Graduate Program is your first step towards shaping a career full of meaningful work and joining in our commitment to support our clients’ growth in a way that not only enhances our nation’s economic prosperity, but builds trust while benefiting society, people and the environment. Because how you grow matters. The things I wasn’t told about getting the best out of my graduate program | Sep 1, 2017 . Everyone’s graduate experience is difference but the lessons I learnt, and now see played out in others, are worth sharing. In Portugal, KPMG operates in two locations (Lisbon and Oporto) with 51 Partnership members and more than 1100 people. With passion and purpose we work: shoulder-to-shoulder with you, integrating innovative approaches and deep expertise to deliver real results. If your thing is our thing, apply to the KPMG Graduates Program .
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They need business savvy legal advisers. We understand the value of high-quality legal counsel in complicated times.
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Wherever you join us – in Audit, Consulting, Deal Advisory, Tax & Law, Technology & Engineering or KPMG Business Services – you’ll find yourself in an LIFE AT KPMG Our Graduate Programme will take you from a talented and focused graduate to a top-flight professional with real skills and experience. In this section, we’ll set out what we can offer you and how we can support you throughout your time with the firm. 04 KPMG GRADUATE CAREERS 2019/20 KPMG Graduate Programme KPMG’s graduate programme will take you from being a talented and focused graduate to becoming a top-flight professional with real skills and experience. In this section we’ve set out all that we offer, what you’ll be doing, what you’ll learn and how to take the next step in your career. The final stage of the recruitment process involves you coming into the office that you have applied to, to take part in our KPMG Career Launchpad.
As a general rule, you’ll be expected to meet the following requirements (*or equivalents) Minimum Grade B GCSE* Maths. Minimum Grade B GCSE* English Language. Minimum of 120 UCAS points* under the 2017 tariff point system at A Level. Minimum 2:1 degree in any discipline.
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The typical KPMG Graduate salary is $60,000. Graduate salaries at KPMG can range from $50,000 - $63,535.
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KPMG is one of the 'Big Four' professional services firms.