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A thread which is positioned between two other threads should be read as a conceptual middle between them. Here are the colors which point to the Torah Readings. Weekly Torah readings (Parashat ha-Shavua) including verses for each aliyah and accompanying Haftarah. Includes both traditional (full kriyah) and triennial reading schemes. This week's Torah Portion is Shmini (read in the Diaspora on 10 April 2021). The Mishnah in English (Online Book) English Clear, concise and brief, this edition of The Mishnah is published by Israel Book Shop and offers the reader the Hebrew as well as a new integrated translation and commentary based on Rabbeinu Ovadia M’Bartenurah.

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Friend of mine suggested I get the Torah, then listen to it online until it makes sense. Great idea! Except I've got the Fujicom English/Hebrew Keyboard, and the characters in​  Translation of «Toran» in English language: — Swedish-English Dictionary. Sir​, we scoured the Koran the Torah and the Bible for clues source.

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