Brucella in Tajikistan - AVHANDLINGAR.SE Gazetteer - Tajikistan - Top 100+ Cities by Population
Tajikistan has a population of 9,275,832 people, of which 70% are under the age of 30 and 35% are between the ages of 14 and 30. Tajiks who speak Tajik (a dialect of Persian) are the main ethnic group, although there are sizeable minorities of Uzbeks and Russians, whose numbers are declining due to emigration. Currently, 27.2 % of the population of Tajikistan is urban (2,537,559 people in 2019) Population Density The 2019 population density in Tajikistan is 67 people per Km 2 (172 people per mi 2 ), calculated on a total land area of 139,960 Km2 (54,039 sq. miles). 9,696,245.
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Tajikistan rural population for 2019 was 6,775,541, a 2.17% increase from 2018. Tajikistan rural population for 2018 was 6,631,416, a 2.27% increase from 2017. The current population density of Tajikistan in 2021 is 68.96 people per square kilometer, a 2.22% increase from 2020. The population density of Tajikistan in 2020 was 67.46 people per square kilometer, a 2.32% increase from 2019.
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United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. The current population of Tajikistan in 2021 is 9,749,627, a 2.22% increase from 2020.
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It is expressed as a percentage. Population growth in Tajikistan From 1960 to 2019 the population of Tajikistan increased from 2.09 m to 9.32 m people. This is a growth by 346.6 percent in 59 years.The highest increase in Tajikistan was recorded in 1963 with 3.65%. 2020-04-08 Largest cities in Tajikistan. The largest cities in Tajikistan, ranked by population. The total population of Tajikistan is 8,931,000 as of 1-Jan-18 , which represents 0.12% of global population and ranks Tajikistan … Tajikistan’s TJ: Population: Female: Ages 15-19: % of Female Population data was reported at 9.289 % in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 9.651 % for 2016.
As a result, Christians only make up a very slight percentage of the Afghani Tajik population.
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Tajikistan: Population size, in millions: For that indicator, we provide data for Tajikistan from 1960 to 2019. The average value for Tajikistan during that period What is the current population of Tajikistan? Details about Tajikistan, like the population pyramid, growth rate, average age, life expectancy, density, migration Page last updated on January 27, 2020. Population: 8,873,669 (July 2020 est.) country comparison to the world (CIA rank, may be based on non-current data): Capital of Tajikistan is Dushanbe. Continent: Asia.
Agricultural production accounts for 23 percent of the country’s GDP and almost half of the domestic labor force.3 An estimated half of the rural population live below the poverty line.4 Since 1997, land has slowly been decollectivized. Population Pyramids: Tajikistan - 2000. Other indicators visualized on maps: (In English only, for now) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)
Tajikistan Population.
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Like other Central Asian republics, Tajikistan has traditionally had a high natural population growth, due to high birth rates and low mortality, and the country has a “young” population. Life expectancy for … Dushanbe Urban Area Population Projections. 2022 962,000.
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Table 6 - the United Nations
Population Growth, Aging Infographic Elements. The Persians are an Iranian ethnic group that make up over half the population of Iran.They share a common cultural system and are native speakers of the Swedish population register - extracts A Swedish extract from the population register can be ordered directly from the Swedish Tax Agency by phone +46 8 The current construction of Rogun Dam on Vakhsh River in Tajikistan While Jordan's population is increasing, its water resources are more scarce than ever.