Förlust av funktionsmutationer i atp6apl och atp6ap2 i granulära


Förlust av funktionsmutationer i atp6apl och atp6ap2 i granulära

The brands of Fortessa Tableware Solutions represent the best in class in their product categories An affordable choice to fit most flow cytometry analyzer needs, the BD LSRFortessa™ system can be configured with up to 7 lasers*—blue, red, violet, UV and yellow-green. This flexibility in laser wavelengths allows assay design to be optimized using the latest fluorescent dyes and substrates. BD LSR Fortessa (16 colour Analyser) 4 lasers, 16 filters (see table below). Sample loading via tubes. Table of lasers and filters available: Laser.

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This flexibility in laser wavelengths allows assay design to be optimized using the latest fluorescent dyes and substrates. BD LSR Fortessa (16 colour Analyser) 4 lasers, 16 filters (see table below). Sample loading via tubes. Table of lasers and filters available: Laser. Filters.

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their analysis on a LSR Fortessa (BD Bioscience) equipped with 405 and 561 used to subtract spectral bleed-through from the CFP and YFP channels 36 . (DakoCytomation) eller en BD LSR Fortessa-cellanalysator (BD Biosciences).

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Laser and filter configuration  Fluorescent Detectors: 64 Channels BD LSR Fortessa. The LSR Fortessa's are equipped with four and five laser lines and are capable of detecting 18  BD Fortessa - Andy, -, x (2), x (4), -, x (2). BD Fortessa - BD Fortessa - Vincent 2 , -, x (6), x (2), x (5), x (3). BD Fortessa - Fortessa Andy Lasers and Channels.

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The LSR Fortessa's are equipped with four and five laser lines and are capable of detecting 18  BD Fortessa - Andy, -, x (2), x (4), -, x (2). BD Fortessa - BD Fortessa - Vincent 2 , -, x (6), x (2), x (5), x (3). BD Fortessa - Fortessa Andy Lasers and Channels. Instrument: BD FACScan™ Flow Cytometer.
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BD LSR Fortessa X20 – How to Use Guide 2 Section 1: Instrument Startup 1 The instrument is: OFF (go to step 2); ON (go to step 4). 2 Turn ON the cytometer pressing the green button on its right side.

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First, BD has a DIVA software tutorial - you should have gotten a copy with the instrument. If not order it - it is part # 642213 for version 6. I make all my users do it on their own time as part of our training protocol. Do LSRII and Fortessa users only need to know > about setting up experiments, The BD LSRFortessa™ X-20 cell analyzer delivers high performance multicolor analysis with the most compact footprint in its class.