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The board is an independent body that is tasked with the continuous development of the The global board of medical experts was founded by Statista to support the World's Best Hospitals Project. The board is an independent body that is tasked with the continuous development of the The Helios Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden is the hospital of the state capital of Wiesbaden and the Helios Hospital Group, boasting extensive medical expertise. As a tertiary care hospital comprising 25 specialist departments, 5 institutes and 21 centres, the HSK offers all major fields of medicine to ensure optimum interdisciplinary You are a whole person with a mind, body and spirit. You are not a disease. The Arcadia Praxisklinik in Bad Emstal, Germany is a treatment center for integrative medicine and cancer therapy, where the latest findings from scientific research and experience-based naturopathy are combined. Klinik Cenmed medical centres offer you and your loved ones unique primary and specialized medical care.